Future forms

Future forms

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Future forms por Mind Map: Future forms

1. Future Perfect Simple

1.1. action finished before a point in the future

1.1.1. By ten o'clock, I will have finished my homework.

1.2. how long to a point in the future

1.2.1. When we get married, I'll have known Robert for four years.

2. Future Continuous

2.1. overlapping action

2.1.1. action is in duration in the future when another, simple, action interrupts it I'll be waiting when you arrive.

2.2. future as a matter of course

2.2.1. something that will happen if everything happens as we expect - will be in progress in the future The government will be making a statement later.

3. Future Perfect Continuous

3.1. action finished before a point in the future

3.1.1. When I see you, I'll have been studying, so I'll be tired.

3.2. how long to a point in the future

3.2.1. In April, she will have been teaching for twelve years.

4. Future Simple

4.1. will

4.1.1. future predictions use it to predict future based on our own opinion - for future facts and for things that are less certain I think the Conservatives will win the next election. The sun will rise at 7 am.

4.1.2. promises/requests/refusals/offers instant decisions made at the moment of speaking I'll help you with your homework.

4.2. be going to

4.2.1. future predictions we can see the evidence (in the present) of this happening (in the future) The sky is getting darker and darker. It's going to rain.

4.2.2. pland and intentions we have made our plans before the time of speaking A: We've run out of milk. B: I know. I'm going to buy some.

5. Present Simple

5.1. something will happen according to a timetable - it always does

5.1.1. The train leaves at 5 pm.

5.2. something will happen according to a schedule

5.2.1. We have a test on Monday.

6. Present Continuous

6.1. we have arranged for this to happen - we know the time, place, etc.

6.1.1. I'm meeting my friend for a coffee in the afternoon.

6.2. we have arranged for this to happen - we bought the tickets

6.2.1. I'm flying to London next week.

7. Present Perfect

7.1. one activity must be finished before another one in the future

7.1.1. active When I have finished my studies, I'm going work in a newspaper. Pete will feel good after he has achieved his goals.

7.1.2. passive When your work has been done, focus on the present.