Memorial Service 11/23/2013

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Memorial Service 11/23/2013 por Mind Map: Memorial Service 11/23/2013

1. Food Needs

1.1. Dinner

1.2. Turkeys

2. Things Needed for the Corner

2.1. Sound System

2.2. Chairs

2.3. Tent

2.4. Tables

2.5. Heaters

2.6. Framework for Screen

2.7. Video Projector

2.8. Roasters

3. Responsibilities

4. Schedule of the Day

5. Todos

5.1. Go to Carlson Printing to see if they will do fliers

5.2. Get permit from the city for noise

5.2.1. contacted Chakavee on 11/5 go see him

5.3. Talk with Cynthia about food

5.4. Talk with Austin about food

5.5. Talk with the students about their participation

5.5.1. they will get the blankets

5.6. Talk with Yegor about their participation

5.7. Create Bullitin

5.8. Get list of Dead Individuals and contact their families if possible

6. Marketing

6.1. Contact Gary from the Radio

6.2. Contact Area Churches