The Benefits of Physical Acitivity

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The Benefits of Physical Acitivity por Mind Map: The Benefits of Physical Acitivity

1. Physical

1.1. Heart becomes stronger, it can pump more blood with less effort.

1.2. It can also help with your body, mind, and social interactions

1.3. Improves your metabolic rate- the amount of energy your body uses at rest

1.4. It can also make your bones stronger

1.5. Improve athletic ability

2. Phycological

2.1. It can block pain messages from your brain cells

2.2. Reduce stress levels

2.3. Can relax tense muscles to help you sleep better

2.4. Improve mood and depression

3. Social

3.1. It helps your interactions with other people for business and some other interactive things.

3.2. It also can help you with your family and friends or build new relationships.