Test Evaluation

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Test Evaluation por Mind Map: Test Evaluation

1. Reliability

1.1. A test is only reliable if it provides the same result repeatedly from the same test takers (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2013, pg. 337)

1.2. Tests to hard may cause guessing and will get varied results over multiple administrations.

1.3. test given and re-given with a high degree of correlation between them are considered highly reliable (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2013 pg,338)

2. "To be a “good” test, a test ought to have adequate evidence for its validity, reliability, and accuracy for the purpose it is being used for and for the persons with whom it is being used". Page(s): 326, Educational Testing and Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice, 10th Edition by Tom Kubiszyn, Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated

3. Validity

3.1. Does a test measure what it is supposed to?

3.2. "Clearly, if a test is to be used in any kind of decision making, or indeed if the test information is to have any use at all, we should be able to identify the types of evidence that indicate the test’s validity for the purpose it is being used for" (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2013 pg. 327)

3.3. A test for validity is simply a matter of checking the test to make certain the content is related to the subject you are testing and the level you are testing

3.4. Is easier to test for achievement then of aptitude