Energy types

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Energy types por Mind Map: Energy types

1. Thermal

1.1. Molten metal or a volcano

1.2. The total potential and kinetic energy related to the motion of all the microscopic particles in an object make up thermal energy

1.3. The total potential and kinetic energy related to motion.

2. Mechanical

2.1. The energy involved with the motion and position.

2.2. The energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects.

2.3. Speeding trains, bouncing balls, and sprinting athletes.

3. Nuclear

3.1. The energy stored stored in atomic nuclei.

3.2. The energy in a plant.

3.3. Nuclear fusion and the light of sun

4. Chemical

4.1. The energy stored in chemical bonds.

4.2. Energy in chemicals.

4.3. Toasting marshmallows over a campfire.

5. Kinetic

5.1. Snowboarding, football player running down the field.

5.2. A moving object depending on mass and speed.

5.3. A moving object that depends upon it's mass and speed.

6. Potential

6.1. A cello being plucked, lifting a book.

6.2. Energy stored as a result of position of shape.

6.3. Energy that is stored as a result of position or shape.

7. Electrical

7.1. Batteries, flashlights and calculators.

7.2. Energy associated with electric charges.

7.3. Energy associated with electric energy.

8. Electromagnetic

8.1. Visible light and X-rays.

8.2. Energy that travels through space in the form of waves.

8.3. A form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves.