If I Could Be You

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If I Could Be You por Mind Map: If I Could Be You

1. Needs

1.1. Basic Needs

1.1.1. Fresh air/ oxygen

1.1.2. sleep

1.1.3. shelter

1.1.4. food

1.1.5. water

1.1.6. safety

1.1.7. security

1.2. Pyschological Needs

1.2.1. happyness

1.2.2. love

1.2.3. family

1.2.4. education

1.2.5. friends

1.2.6. feelings

1.2.7. health

1.3. Self Needs

1.3.1. creativity activities

1.3.2. respect

1.3.3. problem solving

1.3.4. acheivment

1.3.5. confident

2. Rich

2.1. Big house

2.2. car

2.3. lots of money

2.4. nice holidays

2.5. excelent education

2.6. more than enough sleep

2.7. Some countries have different levels of being rich. For example a person in Australia that say they are poor and someone in Cambodia say that they are rich, the Australian person that says they are poor would be rich compared to the person in Cambodia.

2.8. luxury and relax

3. Services

3.1. Local

3.1.1. SPCA

3.1.2. St. Joeseph's

3.1.3. Saddle Club

3.1.4. HOME Computers

3.2. Global Concerns

3.2.1. Tabatha

3.2.2. Bali Bridges Bali Bridges is an orphange in Bali that prvides food and water for people in Indonisea. Bali

3.2.3. ACRES

3.2.4. Blue Dragons Blue Dragon is a service in Hanoi to help provide street children with education, shelter and safety. Hanoi

3.2.5. Mumbai Mobile Creche

3.2.6. Green Gecko Green Gecko is a service in Siem Reap to help street children have better education, healthcare, personal security, food and shelter. Siem Reap

3.2.7. Vietnam Hope

3.3. Collage

3.3.1. Art Service

3.3.2. Campus Gardening

3.3.3. Library Sevice

4. Wants

4.1. Computer

4.2. TV

4.3. dog

4.4. cat

4.5. horse

4.6. big house

5. Poor

5.1. not enough money

5.2. no shelter

5.3. no running water

5.4. no electricity

5.5. not enough food

5.6. no clothes

5.7. no sleep