What If I could be you

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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What If I could be you por Mind Map: What If I could be you

1. Basic Needs

1.1. Decent house

1.2. Food

1.3. Water

1.4. Warmth

1.5. Rest

1.6. Security

1.7. Safety

1.8. Physicalogical needs:

1.8.1. Feeling of accomplishment

1.8.2. Respect from others

1.9. Social needs:

1.9.1. Friends

1.9.2. Family

1.9.3. Feeling of love

2. Global Concerns

2.1. Blue Dragon

2.2. Tabitha

2.3. Bali Bridges

2.4. ACRES

2.5. Mumbai Mobile Creches

2.6. Green Gecko

2.6.1. The Green gecko project helps people in Siem Reap so that they can have a proper education and a safe home to live in. They donate money and sometimes they ask people to collect things that they don't want from home and bring them over to school so that they can give it to the people in Siem Reap.

3. College Service

3.1. Home Computers

3.2. Campus Gardening

3.3. Art Service

4. Local Service

4.1. Hort Park

4.2. Saddle Club

4.3. Buddies at Sunset

4.4. Genesis

4.5. SPCA

4.6. St Josephs

4.7. Students make weekly visits to these places to help out the elderly and the pets. With the elderly, people go over to play easy boardgames or engage the elderly with school stories. Sometimes, students also visit children with disabilities.

5. Wants

5.1. Unhealthy food/drinks

5.2. New clothes

5.3. Big bed

5.4. Computer

5.5. T.V

5.6. Pet

5.7. Money

5.8. Education

6. Rich

6.1. Parents earned a lot

6.2. Had a good job

6.3. High income

7. Poor

7.1. Parents didn't earn much

7.2. Didn't have a good job

7.3. Low income

7.4. No electricity

7.5. No food/water

7.6. No money