Robotics industry

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Robotics industry por Mind Map: Robotics industry

1. Control

1.1. Control by iterative learning

1.2. Parallel positioning systems

2. Manufacturing productivity

2.1. Design, modeling and analysis of hydraulic & pneumatic systems

2.2. In-situ inspection and quality control

2.2.1. Non-destructive testing, non-standard and standard

2.2.2. Artificial Intelligence

2.2.3. 3D metrology

2.2.4. Image processing, pattern recognition, artificial vision

2.3. Intelligent control of electrical drives and high precision robots

2.4. Methods optimization

2.5. Predictive maintenance

2.6. Process characterization

3. Chairs and Research Units

3.1. Chairs

3.1.1. Canada Research Chair in Precision Robotics

3.2. Research units certified

3.2.1. DYNAMO – Research Laboratory in Machine, Process and Structural Dynamics

3.2.2. LIO – Laboratoire d'imagerie et d'orthopédie

3.2.3. LIPPS – Products, Processes and Systems Engineering Laboratory

3.3. Research units recognized

3.3.1. CoRo – Control and Robotics Laboratory

4. Robot dynamic precision

4.1. Compensating trajectories

4.2. Robot calibration

5. Mechatronics and haptic systems

5.1. Haptic devices

5.2. Physical interaction between humans and robots

5.3. Sensor technologies

6. Medical robotics

6.1. Controller & Advanced computing tools

6.2. Exoskeleton

6.3. Intelligent prosthesis

6.4. Tactile sensors

7. Parallel robotics

7.1. Development of simulation software

7.2. Mechanical design