Social Media Risks

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Social Media Risks por Mind Map: Social Media Risks

1. For companies

1.1. Intercompany use

1.1.1. mobbing

1.1.2. blackmailing

1.1.3. invention laws

1.1.4. EU Dataprotection act

1.2. Employee enablement

1.2.1. NSA und Industriespionage

1.2.2. data loss

1.2.3. information leakage

1.2.4. loyalty

1.2.5. copyright laws

1.2.6. EU Dataprotection act

1.2.7. social hacking

1.2.8. wasting time

1.2.9. IP loss

1.3. External use

1.3.1. reputation

1.3.2. shitstorm

1.3.3. copyright laws

1.3.4. EU Dataprotection act

1.3.5. Cloud

1.3.6. social hacking

1.3.7. disclosing too much of me

2. Requirements

2.1. IT-Security

2.2. Prepardness for client communication

2.3. Social mediy policy

3. For the individual user?

3.1. revengeporn

3.2. reputation

3.3. job loss

3.4. identity theft

3.5. social hacking

3.6. copyright laws

3.7. Mental health

4. Which are the risks that come along with the use of social media?