Crysta Thaxton Junior Year Portfolio

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Crysta Thaxton Junior Year Portfolio por Mind Map: Crysta Thaxton Junior Year Portfolio

1. Project 2: Rise of Industry - Building America

1.1. Relfection

1.2. Artifact

2. Project 1: A Whole New World Out There

2.1. Reflection

2.2. Slave Owners vs. Modern Day Slave Owners

3. Project 3: Who Are You? A User Guide For "Me"

3.1. Relfection

3.2. User Guide

4. Student Led Conference

4.1. Reflection

4.2. Artifact

5. Project 5: POTUS - The Life and Legacy

5.1. Reflection

5.2. Artifact

6. Project 6: Code Name

6.1. Reflection

6.2. Artifact

7. Bucket List

7.1. Reflection

7.2. Bucket List Artifact

8. All About Me

8.1. All About Me Site

9. Project 4: Olympic Press

9.1. Reflection

9.2. Flyer

10. Reading and Writing

10.1. Reading Reflection

10.2. Reading Artifact

10.3. Writing Reflection

10.4. Writing Artifact

11. Conclusion