Jet Packs

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Jet Packs por Mind Map: Jet Packs

1. Plan

1.1. Goals

1.1.1. Transportation

1.1.2. Enjoyment

1.2. Rules

1.2.1. License / Registration

1.2.2. Education

1.2.3. Transportation Policy & Regulation

1.3. Conditions Created

1.3.1. Social: Solitary / Unsocial

1.3.2. Exclusivity Expense "Open-Access" Solitary

1.3.3. Psychological: Distant / Uncommon social interaction

1.3.4. Political: Need for regulation and policy; who makes it? where do you buy it? how much do they cost?

1.4. Cultural Development

1.4.1. Artifacts: Parking structure(s); the non-existence of alternate transportation; protective gear

1.4.2. Institutions: Educational facilities to teach preparation for use; companies and stores that provide jet packs but also personal and technological accessories

1.4.3. Human Experiences: the sensation of flying; the increase of speed; the idea of "alone"; motion induced illness

1.5. Nature

1.5.1. Social Order: Good or Bad People attacking each other by jet packs Increased industry