Junior Portfolio

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Junior Portfolio por Mind Map: Junior Portfolio

1. Potus life and legacy

1.1. Artifact

1.2. Reflection

1.3. Standard

2. Student led conferences

2.1. Artifact

2.2. Reflection

2.3. Artifact

3. User guide

3.1. Reflection

3.2. Artifact

3.3. Standard

4. Rise of industry

4.1. Artifact

4.2. Standard

4.3. Reflection

5. Olympic Press/Grit

5.1. Reflection

5.2. Standard

5.3. Artifact

6. Conclusion

7. Bucket list

7.1. Artifact

7.2. Reflection

7.3. Standard

8. New World

8.1. Artifact

8.2. Reflection

8.3. Standard

9. Wix

9.1. 1)

9.2. 2)

9.3. 3)

9.4. Reflection

10. Code name

10.1. Artifact

10.2. Standard

10.3. Reflection

11. Growth as reader

11.1. Reflection

11.2. Standard

11.3. Artifact

12. Introduction