Teaching Geometry with Technology

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Teaching Geometry with Technology por Mind Map: Teaching Geometry with Technology

1. Online Resources

1.1. PBS Teachers Resources

1.1.1. PBS Interactive activities - Numbers and Opterations

1.1.2. PBS Interactive activities - Functions -Algebra

1.2. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - Algebra

1.3. Texas Instruments Classroom resources

1.3.1. Algebra 1

1.3.2. Algebra 2

1.4. Algebra Help

1.5. PurpleMath

1.6. Algebra 1 Online!

1.7. Online Visualization Tools

1.7.1. Desmos for Algebra

2. Textbook Resources

2.1. YourTeacher iBooks Textbook for iPad (Aligned with Common Core)

2.1.1. Pre-Algebra

2.1.2. Algebra 1

2.1.3. Intermediate Algebra

3. Printable Worksheets and Graphic Organizers

3.1. Downloadable and printable graphic organizers for Algebra

4. Online Communities

4.1. Geometry-Teachers.com

5. Class Presentation Resources

5.1. Glogs: Glogs on Algebra

5.2. Prezi Presentation

5.2.1. Algebra content review @ Prezi

5.2.2. More algebra presentations @ Prezi

5.3. SmartBoard Exchange Lesson Plans and Activities for Algebra

6. Apps

6.1. Algebra Tutor - Android

6.2. Learn Algebra - Android

6.3. Algebra Touch - iPhone/iPad

6.4. Algebra by YourTeacher.com - iPhone/iPad

6.5. DragonBox - iPhone/iPad

7. PLNs

7.1. Pins on class materials of Algebra

8. Video Tutorials

8.1. Khanacademy Algebra