Teaching Algebra with Technology

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Teaching Algebra with Technology por Mind Map: Teaching Algebra with Technology

1. Online Resources

1.1. PBS Teachers Resources

1.1.1. PBS Interactive activities - Numbers and Opterations

1.1.2. PBS Interactive activities - Functions -Algebra

1.2. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - Algebra

1.3. Texas Instruments Classroom resources

1.3.1. Algebra 1

1.3.2. Algebra 2

1.4. Algebra Help

1.5. PurpleMath

1.6. Algebra 1 Online!

1.7. Online Visualization Tools

1.7.1. Desmos for Algebra

2. Class Presentation Resources

2.1. Glogs: Glogs on Algebra

2.2. Prezi Presentation

2.2.1. Algebra content review @ Prezi

2.2.2. More algebra presentations @ Prezi

2.3. SmartBoard Exchange Lesson Plans and Activities for Algebra

3. Video Tutorials

3.1. Khanacademy Algebra

4. PLNs

4.1. Pins on class materials of Algebra

5. Apps

5.1. Algebra Tutor - Android

5.2. Learn Algebra - Android

5.3. Algebra Touch - iPhone/iPad

5.4. Algebra by YourTeacher.com - iPhone/iPad

5.5. DragonBox - iPhone/iPad

6. Online Communities

6.1. Edweb Algebra II

6.2. Edweb Algebra of Finance

7. Printable Worksheets and Graphic Organizers

7.1. Downloadable and printable graphic organizers for Algebra

8. Textbook Resources

8.1. YourTeacher iBooks Textbook for iPad (Aligned with Common Core)

8.1.1. Pre-Algebra

8.1.2. Algebra 1

8.1.3. Intermediate Algebra