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Input/Output por Mind Map: Input/Output

1. Keyboard

1.1. Students are required before 5th grade

1.2. Includes additional keys not found on typewriter

1.3. Types data and commands into compter, called keyboarding

2. Mouse

2.1. Most important input device

2.2. Is sometimes called a pointer

2.3. Issues commands and allows drag and drop on the desktop

3. Input

4. any peripheral that you might use to enter data into the computer

5. Monitor

5.1. displays information in soft formate

5.2. diplays infromation on a screen

5.3. allows learning on different monitors in a classroom

6. Printer

6.1. displays data in hard copy formate

6.2. gives options of color or black and white

6.3. gives teachers the options to print information for any given topic

7. Output

8. Pieces of information from hardware that is moved out of the computer