Educational Technology

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Educational Technology por Mind Map: Educational Technology

1. A Vision of K-12 students today

1.1. Teachers need to be provided with appropriate tools in order to teach with technology

1.2. 21st century learners spend most of their time using technology each day.

1.3. I like the point it makes that children learn from doing. Your learn the most from experience and not from sitting there listening about it in the classroom.

1.4. We should be helping students to use technology to create new ideas and products.

2. Looking Backwards; Thinking Forward

2.1. Tool to help organization in classroom

2.2. "Change is constant"

2.3. With the changing and advancement of technology students need to be able develop and be taught with the change

2.4. Learn to incorporate technology into the classroom and grow as educators with the changing times

3. 3 Phases of Educational Technology

3.1. Teachers bring the classroom to life

3.2. Changing teaching with technology into the standard of teaching

3.3. 21st Century skills

3.3.1. communication

3.3.2. collaboration

3.3.3. creation

3.4. Teachers already use the ideas of these phases in their classroom. It is a more interactive type of learning!

3.4.1. Teachers use technology to add dynamics to their lessons.

4. Shift Happens

4.1. Future is unpridictable

4.2. Current jobs changing and new jobs developing every day

4.3. Technology is growing and we are surrounded by it more and more as it grows it capability and numbers

4.4. Fastest way to spread information around the world today

4.5. How do you educate your student for jobs that don't yet exist?