Post Reconstruction: Democrats

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Post Reconstruction: Democrats por Mind Map: Post Reconstruction: Democrats

1. Wade Hampton

1.1. Wade viewed that blacks should be treated with citizenship and be allowed to vote and hold office.

1.2. Wade wanted to maintain the race status during Reconstruction

1.3. Wade didn't beilieve in social equality but, he believed in political party.

2. 8 Box Law

2.1. Not letting illiteratee and poor whites vote

2.2. Gerrymander means to divide a area into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in a eletion.

2.3. Gerrymander limited the amount of blacks to congress in the U.S.

2.4. Democrats adopted it

2.5. Grandafther Clause gave the vote back to poor whites

3. Constitution of 1895

3.1. Required voters to read and interpert the U.S. Constitution

3.2. Also required voters to pay a poll tax for 6 months prior to an election.

3.3. Poor farmers now had litle money to harvest

4. Jim Crow Laws

4.1. Jim Crow Laws were laws to enforce segregation.

4.2. Jim Crow Laws limited blacks social opportunities.

4.3. Segregation is the seperation or isolation between race, class, or ethnic group.

5. Ben Tillman

5.1. Bill view blacks shouldb't be allowed to vote.

5.2. Poor white farmers followed the leadership of Ben Tillman in SC.

5.3. Bill's racisim and bigotry led to the reemergence of terror during Reconstruction.

5.4. Was a populist because he appealed to the values of the common people

6. State Election of 1876

6.1. Wade Hamptoon and Redemers had political pwoer after the election.

6.2. Disenfranchise means to prevent people from voting.

6.3. Antebellum political elite wanted to regain over the government.

7. Plessy V. Ferguson

7.1. Plessy V. Ferguson court case resulted into national Jim Crow Laws.

7.2. These laws impacted blacks up to 60-70 years.

7.3. Blacks in SC protested to get taking out of public life.

7.4. Jim Crow laws were legal

7.5. Court ruled separate but equal satisfies the 14 amendment