
Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Sience por Mind Map: Sience

1. parts of the cell

1.1. nucleuos

1.2. vacuole

1.3. cell mambrane

1.4. cell wall

2. rocks

2.1. sedimentary

2.2. igneous

3. energy

3.1. non renewable

3.2. potential

3.3. stored

3.4. nuclear

3.5. kinetic

3.6. grauitational

3.7. electrical

3.8. chemical

3.9. renewable

4. Cells

4.1. brain cell

4.2. sperm cell

4.3. blood cell

5. microscope

5.1. a microscope is used to se microscopic things

5.2. list of microscope

5.2.1. light microscope

5.2.2. energy microscope