Mobile Programming

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Mobile Programming por Mind Map: Mobile Programming

1. Variables

1.1. How do you make it so that each time the user clicks a larger circle is drawn?

1.2. How do you make a ball travel back and forth across the screen?

2. Persistent Memory

2.1. How do you remember a setting even after the app is closed and reopened?

2.2. How do you remember a list of notes the user inputs even after app is closed and reopened?

3. conditional (if) blocks

3.1. How do you start and stop a sound when the user clicks a button?

3.2. How do you auto-respond to a particular person's text with a special message?

4. Event Handling

4.1. How do you turn a button red when it is clicked?

4.2. How do you make the phone talk when it is shaken?

5. Incrementing

5.1. How do you count the number of times a button has been clicked?

5.2. How do you count-down from 10 and play a sound at 0.


7. Location

7.1. How do you determine your location?

7.2. How do you determine how far you are from another place?

8. Timed Activity

8.1. How do you play a sound every second?

8.2. How do you move a spaceship smoothly across the screen?

8.3. How do you start and stop animation?

9. Lists

9.1. How do you send a text to a list of your friends?

9.2. How do you add up a list of numbers?

10. Timed Lists

10.1. How do you play a list of musical notes?

10.2. How do you animate the ASL signing of a word?

11. List traversal

11.1. How do you create a slideshow so the user clicks to get to the next picture?

11.2. How do you add a previous button to make the slideshow go backwards?

11.3. How do you make a slideshow loop back to the front?

12. Adding items to a List

12.1. How do your record notes input by a user?

12.2. How do you record the phone numbers of incoming SMS texts?

13. Procedures

13.1. How do you code a procedure to display a list?

13.2. How do your code a procedure to display any list?

13.3. How do you code a procedure to display any list in any label?

14. Sprite Animation

14.1. How do you animate a sprite?

14.2. How do you bounce a sprite off an edge or other object?