Climate change action

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Climate change action por Mind Map: Climate change action

1. Personal action

1.1. recycle

1.2. save of electricity- plug out

1.2.1. Task 1

1.2.2. Task 2

1.3. Use of SNS

1.3.1. Call 1

1.3.2. Call 2

2. Category 4

2.1. Priority

2.2. Tasks

2.2.1. Task 1

2.2.2. Task 2

2.3. Phone Calls

2.3.1. Call 1

2.3.2. Call 2

2.4. Meetings

2.4.1. Meeting 1

2.4.2. Meeting 2

3. Regulation

3.1. Government

3.1.1. Expose fine about excessive use of electrictity

3.1.2. regulation about garbage bag

3.1.3. Plastic bag fee

3.1.4. regulate use of air-conditioner/ heater

3.2. Company

3.2.1. regulate use of air-conditioner/ heater

3.2.2. R&D- Coka cola, Nike

4. Incentive

4.1. Government

4.1.1. Reduction of tax- transportation fee, green card,

4.2. Company

4.2.1. payback for public transportation fee

4.2.2. provide trash bag instead of shopping bag

4.2.3. payback for disposable bag, cups.....

4.3. School

4.3.1. promote recycling by giving incentives