Parts of speech

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Parts of speech por Mind Map: Parts of speech

1. nouns:People,places,things,or concepts

1.1. Gerunds

1.1.1. Object of the Preposition

1.1.2. Subjects

1.1.3. Predicate nominitives

1.1.4. Direct object

1.1.5. Appositives

1.1.6. Indirect object

1.1.7. Object complement

1.2. Infinitives

1.3. common

1.3.1. Proper

1.4. Collective

1.4.1. Singular Plural

1.5. Concrete

1.5.1. Abstract

2. adverbs

2.1. Describe verb

2.2. Adjectives, adverbs

2.3. when

2.4. where

2.5. how

2.6. to what degree

3. verbs-a word or phrases that expresses action or a state of being

3.1. Action

3.1.1. Peceive with senses Perceive with mind

3.2. Linking

3.3. Action

3.3.1. Passive

4. conjunctions

4.1. Subordinating

4.2. Coordinating

4.2.1. Correlative conjunctive adverb

5. Pronouns

5.1. Personal

5.2. Possesive

5.3. Relative

5.4. Demonstative

5.5. Reflexive

5.6. Intensive

5.7. Indefinite

6. Prepositions

6.1. Duration, location to a noun

6.2. Adverb

6.3. adjective

7. Adjectives-describe a noun

7.1. Participlal phrases

7.2. Predicate adjectives

7.3. Infinitive

7.4. Describe nouns

7.4.1. how much what kind how many