Invoice and Payment follow up

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Invoice and Payment follow up por Mind Map: Invoice and Payment follow up

1. Timesheets and Invoices

1.1. Invoicing

1.2. Tasks

1.2.1. Get timesheets for all employees with required hrs and client screenshots by 7th of every month.

1.2.2. Send email to all current employees by 31st or last working day of current month reminding them for time sheets due for that month by 7th of next month.

1.2.3. Send email to employees on 2 business days before 7th of each month to remind them to send time sheets by 7th or else there payroll will be postponed to next month.

1.2.4. Make sure if they don't send time sheets by 7th of each month there payroll is not setup for that month. Any exceptions should be either approved by sunny or vik.

1.2.5. Complete all invoices by 7th or next business day of each month. Invoices for any delayed time sheets should be created same day you receive time sheets from that particular employee

1.2.6. Once you invoices are created and send to customer. Send them email next week to all customers to check if invoices we sent them are OK ? If any issue rectify immediately

1.2.7. Once all invoices are done for that month which should be mostly 7th or next business day send report to core team with all details.

2. Payroll Setup

2.1. Payroll

2.2. Tasks

2.2.1. Payroll should be setup by 12th each month or business day before 12th but dont approve. Only sunny will approve all payrolls

2.2.2. Above mentioned task should be executed only for employees who sent time-sheets on time as stated in Timesheets and invoices tasks

2.3. Phone Calls

2.3.1. Any questions while setting up payroll contact Divya

2.4. Meetings

2.4.1. Once payroll setup is ready . setup meeting with sunny to get payroll approved. This should be done by 12th or business day before 12th every month

3. Payment Followup

3.1. Invoice follow up procedure

3.2. Email follow up

3.2.1. Send friendly reminder email five days before due date to remind them of due date and to check if they have all details to pay our invoice

3.2.2. Send reminder email after 5 days past due date

3.2.3. Send Thank you email if payment is received. Thank you email should be sent for all payments received

3.3. Phone Calls followup

3.3.1. call after 10 days past due date and find out status of invoice. send email incase not able to reach them on phone.

3.3.2. Call after 20 days past due date and find out status of invoice .Send them email if they are not reachable on pohoneand escalate to divya on status

3.3.3. call after 30 days past due date and find out status. send them email if they are not reachable on phone. Escalate to sunny

3.4. Meetings

3.4.1. Set up meting with CORE team if invoice is past due 45 days

3.4.2. Set up another meeting with CORE team if invoice is past due 60 days

4. Report Generation

4.1. Reports to be sent to CORE team Everyday

4.2. Tasks

4.2.1. Report with Customers who are past due by more than 15 days with all invoice details should be sent to CORE team everyday.

4.2.2. Report with invoice amount and details should be sent to CORE team once invoices are completed for each month. This should be by latest 10th of each month. If all invoices are not raised by 10th send detailed email with issue.

4.2.3. Weekly report with complete pending invoices should be sent to CORE team.

4.3. Meetings

4.3.1. Set up meeting with CORE team every 45 days to discuss on which customers paying on time, issues etc.