The French Revolution

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The French Revolution por Mind Map: The French Revolution

1. Storming of the Bastille

1.1. July 14, 1789

1.2. Parisians stormed the garrison and prison of Bastille. Parisians formed their own government, called the Commune. Small groups competed for control over Paris. It was the flash point of the revolution. It gave the revolution munitions to fight back.

1.3. Pierre-Augustin Hulin

2. Declaration of the Rights of Man

2.1. August 26, 1789

2.2. Approved by the national assembly. Set forth rights for all men of France regardless of estate. This led to the Declaration of the Rights of Woman.

2.3. The National Assembly

3. Coalition Against France

3.1. 1792–1797

3.2. Was the first major effort to contain the French Revolution by major European monarchies. The Austrians and Prussians attacked from the Rhine and Austrian Netherlands. The French, led by General Carnot, defeated the coalition and gained land. Rouget de Lisle wrote "Marseillaise" which became the French national anthem and inspired the troops in battle. This led to strong nationalism because of the military victories.

3.3. General Carnot and Rouget de Lisle


4. Directory

4.1. 1795-1799

4.2. The Constitution of the Year III of the Republic (1795) created the Directory. The Directory suffered from corruption and poor administration. The French developed a strong sense of nationalism despite the trouble. Napolean Bonaparte would come to power to end the French Revolution.

4.3. Napolean Bonaparte

5. Reign of Terror

5.1. September 5, 1793 - July 27, 1794

5.2. Georges Danton, Maximilien Robespierre

5.3. The Jacobin political party dominated French politics. Committee of Public Safety was created and led by Georges Danton and later Maximilien Robespierre. Those who opposed the french revolution was trialed and was guillotined. 15,000 people died on the guillotine. Robespierre and Danton used the idea of terror and fear to bring order and control to France.

6. The Jacobins

6.1. July 1793

6.2. Georges Danton,Maximilien Robespierre,and Jean-Paul Marat were the most memorable Jacobins. Marat had a debilitating illness and was forced to work from home. Charlotte Corday, a Girondist sympathizer , assassinated him in July 1793. In his death he became a revolutionary martyr for the Jacobins.

6.3. Marat,Danton,Robespierre,Corday

7. Attack on Versailles

7.1. October 5,1789

7.2. Parisian Commune feared Louis the XVl would have France invaded by foreign troops.A group of women attacked Versailles, forcing the nobles to leave. The royal family relocated to Paris along with the national assembly. The royal family spent the next several years as virtual prisoners in Tuileries place

7.3. Louis XVl,Marie Antoinette

8. National Assembly

8.1. 1789-1791

8.2. The National Assembly was made up of mostly the third state and some in the second state. The people created numerous changes to the laws and made the Declaration of the rights of Man. They met at the tennis court and they swore an oath called the Tennis Court Oath. These changes would lead to the abolishment of the European Feudal System.

8.3. Maximilien Robespierre

9. Abolishment of the Monarchy

9.1. 1793

9.2. The monarchy could be restored if the royal family lived. The royal couple was put on trial for treason

9.3. Louis XVl was executed on January 21,1793. Marie Antoinette was guillotined on October 16,1793. Their daughter was allowed to go to Austria in 1795. Their son Louis-Charles died in prison in 1795.

9.4. Marie Antoinette, Louis XVl

10. Reforms passed by the convention

10.1. 1795

10.2. They drew up a comprehensive system of laws, and adopted the metric system. They ended debt imprisonment and and established a nationwide system of education. Slavery ended in France's colony.