French Revolution

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French Revolution por Mind Map: French Revolution

1. National Assembly 1789-1791

1.1. July 14, 1789

1.1.1. People Stormed the Bastille

1.2. Changes Under the National Assembly

1.2.1. Declaration of Rights of Man Freedom of Religion Right to a Fair Trial Guaranteed Property Rights

1.2.2. Constution of 1791 Democratic Undemocratic

1.3. End of Special Privileges

1.3.1. Church land was seized and sold to peasants

1.3.2. Church officials were to be elected by the people

1.3.3. All special privileges of the 1st and 2nd estate were restricted

1.3.4. European Feudalism ended

2. Growing Coalition against the French

3. Reign of Terror (1793-1794)

3.1. Committee of Republic Saftey

3.2. End of the Reign of Terror

4. Directory (1795-1799)

4.1. Napoleon Bonaparte

5. 1799 and on

5.1. 1800-1904

5.1.1. Napoleon Creates Reform in France

5.1.2. Napoleon is declared emperor of France

5.2. 1804-1814

5.2.1. Napoleon builds his empire

5.2.2. Napoleon's empire at war and the continental system

5.3. 1815

5.3.1. The 100 days and the battle of Waterloo -Jake

6. Legislative Assembly 1791-1792

6.1. Royal Family tried to escape to Austria

6.1.1. June 1791

6.2. Nobles fled hoping to find foreign help to restore the Old Regime.

6.3. Political parties emerged

6.3.1. Girodists

6.3.2. Jacobins

6.4. Commune took control of Paris

6.4.1. Danton took lead. Member of the Jacobin political party.

6.5. Voters being striving for a Republic government.

7. Convention (1792-1795)

7.1. September 22, 1792

7.2. Faced domestic opposition and strife

7.2.1. Girondists

7.2.2. Jacobins

7.3. Opposition from abroad

8. Abolishment of the monarchy

8.1. Royal Couple Trial for Treason

8.1.1. Son Louis-Charles (Louis XVII)

8.1.2. Marie-Therese