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Coliseum por Mind Map: Coliseum

1. It catches peoples eyes like tourist attractions

2. Dynamic loads

2.1. Rain, wind, etc

2.1.1. These forces weaken the structure over the years

3. Purpose, Form, Function

3.1. Form

3.1.1. Made out of: limestone, tiles, concrete, radial walls, pillars,etc. How it looks: Very tall, a broken piece at the edge

3.2. Function

3.2.1. Entertainment hub back in the day but now it is a tourist attraction

3.3. Purpose

4. Type of Structre

4.1. Colosseum

4.1.1. The coliseum is a frame structure When it was built they built a skeleton first made out of Travertine lime stone

5. External Forces

5.1. Magnitude

5.1.1. 1.) When there is a earthquake it won't be destroyed very fast it would take a long time so the colosseum is very strong but over the decades it has turned weaker 2.) Magnitude can be applied to this because the coloseum is not a structure that can fall apart fast, like other sturctures/bulidings 3.) Another way the Coliseum could be destroyed is because this buliding is a very old structure, it may not be as strong as it was when it was first built

5.2. Forces

5.2.1. Point Of Application 1.) If there was a natural disasatar we would need to know where it would hit because if it hits a very weak point it would fall apart 2.) If anything strong and heavy hits the center of the Coliseum it wouldn't get damaged it you hit the side it will because the Coliseum has a broken piece already if you aim beside it there is a likley chance that it would break

6. Limitations

6.1. Budget

6.1.1. Services The Vespasian at the time had more than 100 000 prisoners/slaves from the Jewish war

6.1.2. Duration The ruler Vespasian worked on the coliseum but his son Titus was the one who saw if finished and the games actually

7. Internal Forces

7.1. Compression

7.1.1. When there is too much stuff in the storage rooms and people

8. Loads

8.1. The coliseum was not really designed to hold anything except a couple of rooms for people

8.2. However gravity is always acting on it

8.2.1. So the structure will always feel compression