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Grammar por Mind Map: Grammar

1. Pronouns: are used to avoid wordy repetition, and increase flow.

1.1. 1 st person

1.2. 2 ns Person

1.3. 3 rd Person

1.4. Which- used to refer back

2. Adjective: Adjective are usually found intermediately before the noun or pronoun they describe.

3. Adverb: A trick to locating adverbs is to look for the word ending in "-ly" Not all adverbs end in -ly but a lot of them do.

3.1. Tell Where place

3.2. Tell why

3.3. Tell How

3.4. Tell How often

4. Tenses

4.1. Present Tense

4.1.1. Present Perfect

4.1.2. Present Progressive

4.1.3. Present emphatic

4.2. Future Tense

4.2.1. Future perfect tense

4.2.2. future perfect progressive

4.2.3. future emphatic

4.3. Past tense

4.3.1. past perfect

4.3.2. past progressive

4.3.3. past emphatic

5. subject

5.1. simmple ssubject

5.2. complete subject

5.3. compound subject

6. Predicate

6.1. simple predicate

6.2. complex predicate

6.3. compound predicte

7. Object complement- completes the meaning of a direct object

8. Gerund

8.1. The gerund may be a noun formed from a verb, but that’s not the end of the story. Even though a gerund is a noun, sometimes it acts more like a noun, and sometimes it acts more like a verb.

9. Infinitive

9.1. a verb form found in many languages that functions as a noun or is used with auxiliary verbs, and that names the action or state without specifying the subject

10. Nouns: Outside of prepositional and other phrases, nouns will usually also be the subject or object of sentence.

10.1. Common

10.2. Collective

10.3. Abstract

10.4. Proper

11. Verb: help tell where the split between subject and prediction is as they being the predicate section of a sentence.

11.1. Action verbs

11.1.1. transitive verbs

11.1.2. intransitive verbs

11.2. Active voice

11.3. Passive voice

11.4. Tenses

11.4.1. Present

11.4.2. Past

11.4.3. Future

12. Preposition: Link phrase, nouns, and pronouns to other parts of sentence

12.1. Tell Where

12.2. Tell What

12.3. With a Noun

12.4. Prepositional phrase: begin with prepositions. Function as adverb or adjective.

13. Conjunction: Connect sentence part and are frequently used to make two sentence become one.

13.1. Subordinating: Join phrases of equal weight

13.2. Correlative

13.3. Coordinating