Electromagnetic Wave

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Electromagnetic Wave por Mind Map: Electromagnetic Wave

1. Visible Light

1.1. wavelength

1.1.1. 4000-7000

2. Ultraviolet

2.1. Discovered in 1801

2.2. Wavelength

2.2.1. 4000-10

3. X-Ray

3.1. found to be a a form of light

3.2. Discovered in 1895

4. Gamma Rays

4.1. Caused by radioactive decay

4.2. Short Wavelengths

4.3. Eg. Nuclear Bomb

5. RadioWaves

5.1. Wavelength

5.1.1. AM 88-108 kHz

5.1.2. FM 53-171 kHz

5.2. Uses

5.2.1. Vast and extreme eg. TV Walkie-Talkie

6. Microwaves

6.1. wavelength

6.1.1. 3.0cm-1.0mm

6.2. Uses

6.2.1. cooking

6.2.2. communication

6.3. misnomer

7. Infra-red Waves

7.1. Wavelength

7.1.1. 80,000