
Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Geometry por Mind Map: Geometry

1. Equation

1.1. Pi

1.2. sine,cosine, tangent

1.3. pythogorean theorem

2. geometric properties

3. Area

3.1. circumference

3.2. volume

3.3. angles

3.3.1. central angles

3.3.2. interior angles

3.3.3. angle relations

3.3.4. angle conjectures

4. measurements & dimensions

5. Shapes

5.1. circles

5.1.1. circle conjectures

5.2. sphere

5.3. triangles

5.4. polygons

5.4.1. quadrilateral

5.5. symmentry

5.6. arc