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API por Mind Map: API

1. Automatic Documentation Tool

1.1. Doxygen

1.2. Sandcastle

1.3. Exit Format

1.3.1. HTML

1.3.2. CHM

2. Deploy API Doc

2.1. Use Jenkins in every build

3. Code Structure

3.1. How organize?

3.1.1. File Structure Module Folder Name

3.1.2. Code Structure Class names Namespaces

3.2. Routing way?

4. Team Compromises

4.1. Write comments for every method

4.1.1. Description

4.1.2. Parameters

4.1.3. Returns

4.1.4. Name Format

4.2. Keep up to date

4.3. How comment?

4.3.1. Explain what the method or property does, why it exists at all, and explain any domain concepts that are not self-evident to the average consumer of your code.

4.3.2. List all preconditions for your parameters (cannot be null, must be within a certain range, etc.)

4.3.3. List any postconditions that could influence how callers deal with return values.

4.3.4. List any exceptions the method may throw (and under what circumstances).

4.3.5. If similar methods exist, explain the differences between them.

4.3.6. Call attention to anything unexpected (such as modifying global state).

4.3.7. Enumerate any side-effects, if there are any.