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Devolution por Mind Map: Devolution

1. The implication of the new devolved power for British politics

1.1. the devolution provides a constitution for Scotland and northern Ireland

1.2. The new Scottish parliament was a part of a commitment to medernising the constitution of the united kingdom

1.3. Devolution raised the question of sovereignty and Bristish constitution

1.4. Political powers are shared betweeen different levels of government

1.5. There is more intergovernmental Bargainging between Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast and London

1.6. people gave the sense of dual identity

1.7. The devolved power created a competition between Westminister, the devolved assemblies

1.8. Give a boost to regional parties

2. United Kingdom

2.1. composed of 4 nations : England,Wales,Scottland,Northern Ireland

2.2. a "unitary"constitution

2.3. one authority: the Westminister Parliament

2.4. Westminister has still a power on the constitution, defence, fereign affairs, macroeconomic policy,financial services,financial markets,immigration and naitonality,employment law and social security

3. Tony Blair Government

3.1. two refenrenda both are in devolution

3.2. 1997 in Scotland and in Wales

3.3. in May 1998 a referendum was held in Northern Ireland

4. Referendum results

4.1. In Scotland over 70 %of te people were in favour of devolution

4.2. In Wales only over 50.3 % were in favour of devolution

4.3. In Northern Ireland over 71 % were in favour of devolution

5. The Welsh assembly

5.1. Created in 1998

5.2. composed of 60 member

5.3. the Welsh assembly has more llimited power than the Scottish parliament

5.4. The powers and devolved matters are the following: welsh language,water,arts and heritage,industry,education,economic devlopment,social services,environment,housing,health,highways,local government and tourism

6. Scottish parliament

6.1. was inaugurated in July 1999

6.2. Represents 5.1 milion people

6.3. composed of 129 member

6.4. Presiding officer and a first minister are elected by the 129 member

6.5. The Scottish parliament has limitated tax making power

7. The Northern Ireland Assembly

7.1. The Assembly were held in june 1998

7.2. The Ulster Unionist won the majority of the seat with 28 seats

7.3. The Northern Ireland executive took place on december 1998

7.4. The devolved power are the following: employment, education health,agriculture,the environment,employement,enterprise,investment,culture and the arts.

8. Quizlet


9. Taxedo:

10. vidéo:

11. cartoon:

12. Glogster: