Sports and Arts

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Sports and Arts por Mind Map: Sports and Arts

1. what are the impedances?

1.1. bigger ones

1.1.1. philosophy of funding sports activities in their own right so that they develop well beyond the capacity of Arts activities. (swimming, gymnastics etc.) We do not have the staff or financial support to expand in this way. What do we need that we do not have? (concrete things so that we can work on them) Are Arts just another activites? or are they more than this?

1.1.2. the principle of holistic education where students should be supported to be involved in a diverse range of programmes. Our model where they do not overlap is undermined by the enormous programmes offered in some sports areas. Does this mean Arts is being confined to the lesson times essentially? They are going to overlap us more than we will overlap them?

1.1.3. imbalance in time allocated after school. We would very much like to have access to the same amount of time as sports. (essentially Wednesdays) This relates to this point

1.2. smaller ones

2. understanding swimming's alignment with Arts / Sports days