Flipped classrooms

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Flipped classrooms por Mind Map: Flipped classrooms

1. what are the implications for teaching and learning

1.1. role change for instructors

1.2. more responsibility for learning for students

1.3. activities can be student led

2. what is it?

2.1. where the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed.

2.2. short videos are viewed at home before class

3. how does it work

3.1. there are no models

3.2. students might view lectures

3.3. online quizes

4. whos doing it

4.1. algonquin college

4.2. a growing number of higher educations

4.3. harvard university

5. Why is it significant

5.1. students might miss important info

5.2. you cant stop a lecture like you can a video

5.3. letting class time to ask your teachers for more help on materials you dont understand

6. what are the down sides

6.1. recording lectures requires time

6.2. students complain on loss of face to face lectures

6.3. students have to keep up

7. where is it going

7.1. New tools can emerge from this

7.2. mobile devices will put a wider range of educational resource

7.3. class space is smaller