Brainstorming for Retreat Questionaire

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Brainstorming for Retreat Questionaire por Mind Map: Brainstorming for Retreat Questionaire

1. Colorado?

1.1. no; okay anywhere; okay only near big cities

2. Meals?

2.1. on the grill; retreat center meals; we cook at retreat center; some cooked some we cook

3. When?

3.1. May, June, July, Aug, September, other

4. Number of Days?

4.1. 2 nights, 3days; 3 nights 4 days; a week, other

5. Type of presentations

5.1. formal, discussion groups,

6. Where?

6.1. urban, farm type setting, wooded

7. speakers?

7.1. well known; not well known; presentations from within group (not counting well-known); no speakers discussions only

8. Recreation--outdoor?

8.1. lake, hiking, golf, team sports, fishing,

9. recreation--indoor

9.1. fitness room, table games, ping pong, indoor pool, video games, movies

10. team building activities

10.1. low rope course, high rope course, drum circle, talent show, campfire,

11. topic

11.1. add more

12. Venue?

12.1. camping--tents; camping cabins; retreat center all in one; retreat center dorms; retreat center- motel style

13. Who can come?

13.1. trans guys only; partners

14. meeting area?

14.1. covered outdoor; retreat center all in one; retreat center separate indoor