Authentic Manhood

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Authentic Manhood por Mind Map: Authentic Manhood

1. Intro

1.1. Why am I doing this?

1.1.1. Teaching the the only real sign of understanding

1.2. FCA

1.2.1. I'm not a sinner because I sinned, I sinned because I'm a sinner.

1.3. The bible is not meant to be examined but to examine you

1.4. Who is our model to follow?

1.4.1. Jesus!

1.5. Maximized Manhood

1.5.1. Build character, personality is only face-value

1.6. 33

1.6.1. Men are in a state of confusion drifting though life Almost like waiting for manhood switch to turn on

1.6.2. Create and cultivate Gen. 1:28- Multiply and subdue(control) the earth and have dominion over it Men need to understand their inner workings

1.6.3. RALI

1.7. C.S. Lewis

1.7.1. If you've never been satisfied with this world...

1.8. Helen Keller "Having sight with no vision."

1.9. If a person has a why for living they can stand almost any how.

2. King

2.1. Personal

2.1.1. High School

2.1.2. College

2.2. Biblical story

2.2.1. Nathan

2.2.2. David

2.2.3. Jesus Not once in the New Testament did Jesus ask someone to do something. Kings don't ask they command

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2.3.1. Reflects righteous energy

2.3.2. Leadership. not dictatorship

2.3.3. Proverbs 27

2.4. Parenting

2.4.1. Gone from an apprenticeship to one long lecture

2.4.2. Rules w/o relationship=rebellion

2.5. Teenagers

2.5.1. Adolescence: wanting the privileges of being an adult w/o the responsibilities.

2.5.2. Maximized Manhood Tempting Christ Asking Him to do something outside of His character Husbands "A man who straddles the fence will get hurt badly when he falls." Your wife should be submissive to you

3. Warrior

3.1. Personal

3.1.1. Kamp

3.1.2. Sports

3.2. Biblical story

3.2.1. Samson Judges 13-16

3.2.2. Levite Man Judges 19

3.2.3. David's Mighty Men 2 Samuel 23

3.2.4. Jesus Standing up for the woman about to be stoned Overturning tables in temple

3.3. Maximized Manhood

3.3.1. Pressure magnifies problems

3.3.2. Saying human condition is better cause of advances in tech is like saying a cannibal is better off now that he has a knife and fork.

3.3.3. The only reason you do wrong is cause you don't do right. Extended adolescence

3.4. 33

3.4.1. Courageous energy

3.4.2. Initiative, sets goals and gets it done

3.4.3. Purpose Tenacity, Constructive

3.4.4. 1 Cor. 9:24-27

3.4.5. 1 Tim. 11:12 Must be calling younger men

3.5. Teenagers

3.5.1. We have this sense of entitlement to everything

4. Friend/Mentor

4.1. Personal

4.1.1. Katey/ Whit

4.1.2. Acacia

4.2. Biblical Story

4.2.1. Elijah-Elisha 2 Kings 2

4.2.2. Jesus 12 disciples

4.3. Maximized Manhood

4.3.1. We like to call our "sins" problems

4.3.2. Deal with people in truth and you deal with reality. Truth must be spoken in love though.

4.3.3. Husband Your number 1 ministry should be your family Ministry is loving Divorce happens when love only occurs with the mind and body.

4.3.4. Change is not change until it is change

4.3.5. The only constant in maturity is change

4.4. 33

4.4.1. Ability to connect with other men Loyalty, accountability, encouragement, challenge, enjoyment we have to be willing to initiate genuine friendships Need someone who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear Character-shaping friendships Can't only be a duty, need to have fun too! We have enough duties already.

4.4.2. Proverbs 17:17, 27:17

4.4.3. Requirements Time Be vulnerable

4.4.4. Would you wanna be friends with you?

4.5. Teenagers

4.5.1. Reprogram mind with scripture

5. Lover

5.1. Personal

5.1.1. Relationships

5.1.2. Family

5.2. Biblical

5.2.1. Boaz Ruth 2-4 Kinsman-redeemer: relative that married the widow Christ is our Kinsman-redeemer

5.2.2. Jesus Leaving a heavenly throne to be beaten so that we might have a fighting chance out salvation

5.3. Maximized Manhood

5.3.1. Husbands Sexual relations is one thing, spiritual oneness is another. People appreciate/depreciate according to the value put on them

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5.4.1. Your willingness to be emotionally vulnerable (Intimacy)

5.4.2. wrong view that emotions are a sign of weakness

5.5. Love

5.5.1. Not an uncontrollable emotion How can Jesus command us to do something we can't control? He wouldn't.

5.5.2. Do I use passion or does passion use me?

5.6. Teenagers

5.6.1. Habits when single roll into marriage

6. Closing

6.1. Maximized Manhood

6.1.1. 2 Questions What do you think of Christ? Will you be a man?

6.1.2. An atheist doesn't declare he doesn't believe in God, he simply goes about life as if there isn't one Some of us are Sunday Christians and practicing atheist the rest of the week.

6.1.3. Don't fade away but burn out with a passion for Jesus

6.1.4. God doesn't change, we do.

6.2. 33

6.2.1. Wise is the man who can shift seamlessly between faces throughout the day

6.3. Don't go away from this and do bad things better

6.4. Slow obedience is no obedience

6.4.1. Ask kid to do something

6.5. We are divine telescopes, we don't make anything great, just bring it into clearer vision

6.6. Teenagers

6.6.1. Who am I?

6.6.2. Who am I not?