Mobile Apps

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Mobile Apps por Mind Map: Mobile Apps

1. Math Apps

1.1. Number bond blaster: This app allows students to play a game where they are to fill in the missing numbers on a number bond. Teachers can use this app for independent practice for students. This app further enforces the lesson on number bonds the teacher would have taught.

1.2. Motion Math: This math addition and subtraction game helps students to use mental math while solving equations. Teachers could use this app as a reinforcer on mental math and the strategies students should be using.

1.3. Number Stax: This is an app that is a puzzle game like Tetris. However, this game uses numbers that the students have to make an equation to compute to the answer on the top of the screen. Teachers can use this app to see how fast a student can process different operations. Students can use the app to help them get faster and more fluent in math fact.s

1.4. Questimate: This app is a game to review estimation. Students answer questions and create their own questions all while practicing estimation. Teachers could use the questions that students generate on this app for test questions.

2. Reading and Writing Apps

2.1. Storia: This app is an e-reader from Scholastic. Teachers can use it as a digital classroom library. This app opens up a lot of new books for students to read plus does it in a fun technologically advanced way.

2.2. Toontastic: Students can create their own story with sound, scenes, plots and customizable characters. This app would keep students highly engaged in their learning as well as wanting to record and then hear each others stories. Students could first write their story then "publish" it with this app. This would also help teachers teach to higher order thinking skills.

2.3. StoryKit: Students can change and rewrite common fairy tales. This would keep students motivated as well as help with comparing and contrasting stories. Teachers would be able to enhance their reading time with first reading the traditional fairy tale and then having students create their own.

2.4. Shake-a-phrase: Students can shake the i pad to get story starters or vocabulary and grammar to practice with. This app would help the teacher to get students excited about writing time which isn't always the student's favorite subject.

3. Social Studies Apps

3.1. Pop Geo USA Geography: This app is a game to test you on how well you know your geography of the United States. This would be a good app to use with a states and capitals unit. Teachers could set up stations and have this be one station. Students would be able to practice their geography skills as well as get intimidate feedback.

3.2. Google Earth: This app allows students to "travel" anywhere on Earth and look at pictures of different places. The teacher could use this to enhance any lesson they need or want to. Students could use this app to help them with research of different places.

3.3. Stack the States: Students can use this app to help them learn about the different states and capitals in a fun game way. Teachers can use this app to help enrich students understanding and memorization of states and capitals. This would be a great app to use in a center for independent practice.

3.4. TourWrist: This app can be used for virtual field trips by showing different places on Earth. Students can use this app for research and to develop a better appreciation for their world. Teachers can use this app to help students become engaged about learning about the world and places around them.