Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
7 steps por Mind Map: 7 steps

1. GeoMetrie

1.1. chi en prana

1.2. prana

2. manifesteren

2.1. sacred triangle

2.2. iedereen kreactief

2.3. secret

3. test je talent

4. nu

4.1. 2012

5. 3 solar plexus

5.1. 528 vuur

5.2. natuur

5.2.1. vortex

5.2.2. plantaardig

5.2.3. herbarium

5.2.4. biomimicry

5.2.5. universe

5.2.6. spin

5.3. gezond

5.3.1. maken

5.3.2. water

6. 2 Sacral

6.1. 417 water

6.2. geometrie

6.2.1. gouden ratio

6.2.2. cymatics

6.2.3. spiraal

6.2.4. vortex

7. solfeggio and chakras

7.1. 9 tonen

7.2. alle tonen

7.3. unblock chakras

7.3.1. mandala chakras

7.4. solfeggio

8. 1 Root

8.1. 396 aarde

8.2. energie

8.2.1. phi

9. 4 Heart

9.1. 639

9.2. ge-LOVE-n

9.2.1. your-mindset

9.2.2. global coherence initiative

9.2.3. liefde als antwoord op de tijd

9.2.4. mind and heart, left and right brain

9.2.5. biologie van de overtuiging

9.2.6. time waver

9.3. heart is a vortex

9.4. en zo

9.4.1. in tune

9.4.2. intunewithuniverse

9.4.3. open your heart with 528

9.4.4. how to raise your frequenciy

9.4.5. mind your heart

10. 5 Throat

10.1. 741 octahedr

10.2. bewuster-ZIJN

10.3. ge-WET-en

11. 6 Third Eye

11.1. 852 ether

11.2. my intuitive mind

11.2.1. intuition

11.2.2. institute for i.i.

11.2.3. about intuition

11.2.4. what is intuition

11.2.5. intuitive intelligence

11.2.6. mastering intuitive thinking

11.2.7. beyond thinking

11.2.8. intuitie test

11.2.9. on intuition

11.2.10. 8 stappen

11.3. verlichting

11.3.1. caduceus

11.3.2. zelfbewust

11.3.3. kundalini kundalini kundalini

12. 7 Crown

12.1. 963

12.2. unariun wisdom

12.3. 7even Zinnen

12.4. akasha

12.4.1. bardo

12.4.2. book of dead bardo

12.4.3. akashaervaring

12.4.4. vorigelevens

12.4.5. akasha

12.4.6. inloggen

12.4.7. thodol

12.4.8. you-tube

13. chakras

13.1. & consciousness

13.1.1. stages

13.1.2. sacraments

13.1.3. gateways

13.1.4. 7 layers

13.2. chakras and meanings

13.3. chakras and dimensions

13.4. understanding chakras

13.5. chakras and directions

13.6. mystical dimensions

13.7. mystical dimensions

13.8. mystical dimensions

14. werveltrap

14.1. human talents

15. platonic elements

15.1. platonic elements

15.2. 64 terahedron grid

15.3. healing + platonic solids

15.4. star tetrahedron

16. anatomy of the spirit

16.1. anatomy 2

16.2. anatomy 3

16.3. anatomy 4

16.4. anatomy 0

17. kleurenpunctuur

18. in tune

18.1. heel & al

18.2. heel jezelf

18.3. intuition

19. labyrint

19.1. labyrint

19.2. tekenen

19.3. werveltrap

19.4. zwart op wit

19.5. society

19.6. therapy

19.7. ik ben

20. my whole mind

20.1. mindprogram

20.2. training the mind healing the body

20.3. universal mind

21. out of the box

22. becoming borealis

23. mentaliteit

24. wholydays

24.1. OMJS


24.3. niks4u

25. wholeminded

26. stairways

27. shift frequencies