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eGlossery por Mind Map: eGlossery

1. Opportunities

1.1. an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something

2. Incentive

2.1. something that encourages a person to do something:

3. redundancy

3.1. a situation in which someone loses their job because their employer does not need them:

4. Motivate

4.1. to cause someone to behave in a particular way

5. Junior

5.1. someone who has a job at a low level within an organization

6. Assumes

6.1. to accept something to be true without question or proof

7. Conditions

7.1. an arrangement that must exist before something else can happen

8. Potential

8.1. possible when the necessary conditions exist:

9. Stereo type

9.1. a fixed idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong

10. Confrontation

10.1. a fight or argument

11. Collectivist

11.1. having a political system based on the principle of collectivism, or relating to the theory of collectivism

12. Authority

12.1. the moral or legal right or ability to control

13. Delegate

13.1. a person chosen or elected by a group to speak, vote, etc. for them, especially at a meeting:

14. Localization

14.1. the process of organizing a business or industry so that its main activities happen in local areas rather than nationally or internationally

15. Candidate

15.1. a person who is competing for a job or an elected position:

16. Multinational

16.1. Involving several different countries, or (of a business) producing and selling goods in several different countries.

17. Diversity

17.1. the fact of there being people of many different groups in society, within an organization, etc

18. Resign

18.1. to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving.

19. Globalization

19.1. the process by which particular goods and services, or social and cultural influences, gradually become similar in all parts of the world

20. clarity

20.1. the quality of being clear and easy to understand:

21. Financial

21.1. relating to money or how money is managed


22. Headhunters

22.1. a person who tries to persuade someone to leave their job by offering them another job with more pay and a higher position

23. Psyclogical

23.1. relating to the human mind and feelings:


24. interview

24.1. a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course:

25. Moaning

25.1. someone who annoys other people by complaining all the time:

26. Satisfaction

26.1. pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something you wanted, or when you have done something you wanted to do

27. Self-actualization

27.1. A person's desire to use all their abilities to achieve and be everything that they possibly can. The expression is used by Maslow in his theory of human motivation

28. Position

28.1. the place where people are sent in order to carry out a course of action:

29. Acquisition

29.1. something such as a building, another company, or a piece of land that is bought by a company, or the act of buying it

30. Synergy

30.1. the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately

31. Chain of command

31.1. the way that people with authority in an organization, esp. in the military, are ranked, from the person with the most authority to the next one below, and so on

32. Recession

32.1. a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad

33. Outsourcing

33.1. If a company outsources, it pays to have part of its work done by another company:

34. Interviewee

34.1. the person who answers the questions during an interview

35. Functional structure

35.1. the structure of an organization in which employees work in groups according to how senior they are, and are given tasks that match their particular skills:

36. Autonomous

36.1. independent and having the power to make your own decisions

37. Human resources

37.1. the department of an organization that deals with finding new employees, keeping records about all the organization's employees, and helping them with any problems


38. Self financy

38.1. paid for only by the money that an activity itself produces

39. Dynamic

39.1. having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm

40. Hierarchy

40.1. a system in which people or things are arranged according to their importance:

41. The press

41.1. the type of newspapers that pay more attention to shocking stories about crime and sex than to serious matters

42. The bottom line

42.1. the most important fact in a situation

43. Conflict

43.1. an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles

44. Middle management

44.1. the people within a company who are in charge of departments or groups, but who are below those in charge of the whole company

45. Downsizing

45.1. If you downsize a company or organization, you make it smaller by reducing the number of people working for it, and if it downsizes, it becomes smaller in this way:

46. Budget

46.1. a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend:


47. Organization

47.1. a group of people who work together in an organized way for a shared purpose:

48. Vacancy

48.1. a job that no one is doing and is therefore available for someone new to do

49. High commission

49.1. an international organization that has been created for a particular purpose

50. Merger

50.1. the combining of two or more companies or organizations into one

51. Line authority

51.1. the control that a manager has over workers

52. Profit margin

52.1. the difference between the total cost of making and selling something and the price it is sold for:

53. delegate

53.1. a person chosen or elected by a group to speak, vote, etc. for them, especially at a meeting

54. Draw back

54.1. a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation

55. Interviewer

55.1. the person who asks the questions during an interview

56. Take over

56.1. a situation in which a company gets control of another company by buying enough of its shares

57. Full capacity

57.1. the total amount that can be contained or produced, or (especially of a person or organization) the ability to do a particular thing

58. Company structure

58.1. the arrangement or organization of parts in a system

59. Foreign subsidiary

60. Permission

60.1. If someone is given permission to do something, they are allowed to do it: