Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships

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Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships por Mind Map: Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships

1. Scarlett

1.1. She is Bod's friend. She can see Bod even though Freedom of the Graveyard keeps Bod hidden from other humans in the graveyard. This shows that Bod and Scarlett have a unique connection with each other. They also met in each other's dream.

1.2. How does Bod feel about her?

1.2.1. Bod feels that Scarlett has a special connection with him as Scarlett is able to see Bod even though Freedom of the Graveyard prevents other humans from seeing Bod inside the Graveyard.

1.2.2. Bod feels that Scarlett is his best friend as Scarlett was his first friend, therefore being very caring towards her and concerned about her.

2. The Man Jack

2.1. What is his relationship with Bod?

2.1.1. He was sent by his mysterious organisation to kill Bod's whole family, although Bod escaped.

2.2. How does Bod feel about him?

2.2.1. When Bod first learns about him, he wants vengeance. In page 181 of the book, Bod says, "If I go outside in the world, the question isn't 'who will keep me safe from him... It's 'who will keep him safe from me?'"

2.2.2. Later, when Scarlett is in danger, page 262-263 of the book, Bod begins to feel a fear of Jack, because although Jack cannot hurt him, he can hurt his friends.

3. Mother Slaughter

3.1. She treats Bod like a kid, as she calls him ' boy ' when she addresses him. She was the one who told Lady on the Grey to raise Bod in the Graveyard, therefore being alike to Bod's " saviour ".

3.2. How does Bod feel about her?

3.2.1. Bod feels comfortable around her as she was the one who told Lady on the Grey to have some charity and allow Mr and Mrs. Owens to raise Bod.

3.2.2. She cares for Bod a lot, as seen when she asks Mr and Mrs. Owens where he would live in the Graveyard, and when she wiped the blood of Bod's forehead when she was chatting with him.

4. Silas

4.1. What is his relationship with Bod?

4.1.1. He is Bod's guardian. He accepts the duty of providing and protecting Bod, therefore becoming Bod's guardian.

4.2. How does Bod feel about him?

4.2.1. Bod looks up to Silas as his idol, and will always look up to above all others.

4.2.2. Bod feels that Silas is his hero, protecting him from evil and providing whatever he needs.