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the graveyard book por Mind Map: the graveyard book

1. scarlett

1.1. what is her relationship with bod?

1.1.1. She is bod's close friend.Bod and her are known to meet in their dreams.she is known for being the lover of Bod.

1.2. how does bod feel about her?

1.2.1. bod liked scarlett! as he said "i like her" on page 289 on the book.

2. mother slaughter

2.1. what is her relationship with bod?

2.1.1. she is one of Bos's friend.she cared for his safety in the graveyeard.

2.2. how does bod feel about her?

2.2.1. Bod feels happy around her ,she asked lady on the gray to have permit to stay on the graveyeard while mr and mrs owen take of him

3. silas

3.1. what is his relationship with bod?

3.1.1. He is bod's gardiun

3.1.2. he takes care of bod.he was bod's role model.

3.1.3. he is known for being slightly mischiovus.

3.2. how does bod feel about him?

3.2.1. Bod felt that Silas is his idol and trusted Silas a lot. Silas is the only citizen of the graveyard who is responsible for providing bod with food and water

4. the man jack

4.1. what is his relationship with bod?

4.1.1. he is the one who murdered Bod's faimily.they were murdered when they wrnt out to look for Bod

4.2. how does bod feel about him?

4.2.1. Bod hates the jack man as he murdered his whole family but failled to kill bod as he went missing when the murder took place