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Victorian MP por Mind Map: Victorian MP

1. Thoughts and Feeling

1.1. 1. I feel bad about giving the Chinese getting punishments because of the miners because they have the right like everybody else to mine in Australia

1.2. 2.I think it will be a good idea if I could let the Chinese work for me and if the Europeans argue I won't let the Europeans mine for me

1.3. 3. I think I can ask the European miners why they don't want the Chinese and if I accept there reason then I will ban the Chinese

2. Positive

2.1. 1. We get more Asians rather than having Australians and Europeans only

2.1.1. I don't want the whole Country to be just Australians and Europeans I want to have more friends

2.2. 2. We can ask them to give us refreshments and they could make there fancy food

2.2.1. I bet the miners will be really tired everyday they will need refreshments and the Chinese people have good refreshments

2.3. 3. We get to have more miners

2.3.1. I get more gold and I can share it with the rest of the state

3. Treatment of chinese

3.1. 1. I call the chinese people names.

3.1.1. I call them names such as wide eyes, weirdo, Dummy and ching chong

3.2. 2. I exile them from Australia and I don't let there family come back

3.3. 3. I send them to jail if the European miners tell me they annoying them are them

3.3.1. I do this because the European miners are my friends and if I don't they might not work for me

4. Problems

4.1. 1. The Europeans will not mine if I leave the Chinese in Australia

4.2. 2. There are going to be a lot of Chinese because they will bring there family

4.3. 3. The Chinese will have as much arguments as the Europeans so I will have to solve them

4.3.1. These arguments are like I am going to Mine here and then the people start fighting on who should mine where