Social Networking Sites (SNSs), such as Facebook and Twitter, are valuable tools to build career ...

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Social Networking Sites (SNSs), such as Facebook and Twitter, are valuable tools to build career profiles and discover job opportunities. However, evidence suggests that employers also use these sites to assist with HR decisions, including the evaluation and screening of job candidates. Are employers justified in using SNSs to make such decisions or is this simply an invasion of privacy? por Mind Map: Social Networking Sites (SNSs), such as Facebook and Twitter, are valuable tools to build career profiles and discover job opportunities.  However, evidence suggests that employers also use these sites to assist with HR decisions, including the evaluation and screening of job candidates.  Are employers justified in using SNSs to make such decisions or is this simply an invasion of privacy?

1. Is this legal? Who allows it?

2. Why should the future employees HR decision be made from what's on SNSs because of things they say on it?

3. What people say and do on SNSs should not be used or talked about in any job as it is outside the job area as that is code of conduct and invasion of privacy

4. Making a decision to say weather they have or haven't got a job because of one or more things put on SNSs is like judging a book by its cover.

5. Could this result in people feeling scared to say and do things on SNS's because they feel unsafe as it could be used against them by future employers?

6. Is their a certain barrier to cross a person and professional line with employees and employers?

7. Do employers have the right to deprive on other potential employees private and personal media?

8. Are their SNSs on the maximum privacy setting so the public cant see things if their not a friend and can it be accessed by the public with out their consent?