Android Security Open Problems

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Android Security Open Problems por Mind Map: Android Security Open Problems

1. Dynamic Analysis

1.1. Sandboxing

1.1.1. Droidbox

1.2. Input Generation

1.2.1. Dynodroid

1.2.2. Monkey

1.3. Anamoly Detection

1.4. Behavioral Analysis

1.4.1. Bouncer

1.4.2. Aurasium

1.4.3. Taintdroid

1.4.4. Crowdroid

1.4.5. Machine Leaning based behavioral analysis

2. Static Analysis

2.1. Class Dependence

2.1.1. Graph Centrality

2.2. Component Count

2.3. Permissions

2.4. Data Flow

2.4.1. User-Centric Analysis

2.5. Control Flow

2.6. Opcodes

2.7. Imported Packages

2.8. Market Data

2.9. Analyzing Native Code

2.10. Separation of malicious code from benign

2.11. Obfuscation

2.12. Dynamic code loading

2.13. Poor Application Verification

2.13.1. Weak Default App Scanner

2.13.2. Anti-malware against Transformation Attacks

2.13.3. Private App Channels

2.14. Limitted availability of tools

2.14.1. DroidMat

2.14.2. Andrubis

2.14.3. DroidRanger

2.14.4. Androguard

3. Mobile Botnets

3.1. Epidemic Spread

3.2. Attacking Network Services

3.3. Evasive and Robust P.O.C.

3.4. Tracking Uninfected Devices

4. User Education

4.1. Ignoring Permissions

4.2. Phishing

4.3. Improperly Rooting Devices

4.4. Alternative Markets

5. Browser Attacks

5.1. Phishing

5.2. Click Through

6. Reverse Engineering

6.1. Limited availibility of tools

6.1.1. Apktool

6.1.2. Dex2Jar

6.1.3. Dexdump

7. Android Forensics

7.1. Hiding Data

7.2. Data Mining Personal Information

7.3. Physical Access Attacks

7.3.1. password cracking smudge detection brute force bypass

7.3.2. access data on RAM FROST

7.3.3. survey of attacks

8. Malwares

8.1. Response to Malware Detection

8.1.1. Malware which can learn thus evolve against malware detection systems

8.2. Repackaging

8.2.1. Detecting Piggybacked Code

8.3. Rapid Malware Production

8.4. Trojan & Backdoors

8.4.1. Rooting Exploits

8.4.2. SMS Fraud

8.5. Spywares

8.5.1. Eavesdropping although the phone is closed

8.6. Adwares

8.6.1. Adjacking

8.6.2. False Notification Attacks

8.7. Android Malware Diagnosis

8.7.1. Market Scale Malware Triage

8.7.2. Android Malware Phylogeny

8.7.3. Malware Provalance

8.7.4. Android Malware Survey

9. Baseband Attacks