Halimah's MindMap

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Halimah's MindMap por Mind Map: Halimah's MindMap

1. End of the year units-Portfolios Post Test Unit Tests Presentations Projects

2. determines students' prior knowledge- pretest, KWL charts, brainstorm

3. inform and differentiation of instruction- small group, intervention, centers, student-directed

4. Provides feedback to parents, teachers and students- curriculum, syllabus, newsletters, webpages

5. Progress Monitoring- Intervention, SST

6. Teacher asks questions and allow students to ask questions-Students show understanding through... Illustrate- journal/drawings Discuss-peer/small group Demonstrate-create Teach- peer

7. PYP and Assessments

8. Formative Assessments

9. Sumative Assessments

10. Assessments inform when we as teachers get students to understand that there are different problem types and solution strategies, then we allow room for students to approach questions in a variety of ways. (Bass and Glasser)

11. Assessments inform our teaching by using the right language (terms), creating clear rubrics to help the students assess themselves, and as teachers to pointing them in the right direction, and making connections between the taught and assessed curriculum.