You are offered a cigarette by a friend at a party.

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You are offered a cigarette by a friend at a party. por Mind Map: You are offered a cigarette by a friend at a party.

1. Explore the Alternatives

1.1. 1. Say no to your friend, and stop being friends with him because he is bad influence

1.2. 2. Say no to your friend, and tell him he shouldn't smoke either because it's bad for his health

1.2.1. 3. Say yes and take the cigarette, but throws it away later

1.3. 4. Say yes and take the cigarette, because your friends are smoking it

1.4. Consider the Consequences

1.4.1. 1. You lose a few of your friends but it saves you from a possible chance of lung cancer, and bad decisions to come

1.4.2. 2. You might lose few friends but you stopped some of your other friend from smoking they may become your closer friends

1.4.3. 3. Your friends will find out, and you will lose some of your friends. but you will not develop a bad habit

1.4.4. 4. You Increased the chances of you having lung cancer, but your friends are still your friends

1.4.5. Identify Your Values Your Health is the first priority. Not only will this help you but it will also help your family Not only would it harm you but it might harm people around you Decide & Act The option that is best for me is 2. First I would tell my friend I don't want to smoke Then tell him he shouldn't smoke either because it's really bad for his health Lastly I would tell my other friends not to smoke Evaluate the Results