Define the problem: You promised your friend that you would sit next to her, but there is also ne...

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Define the problem: You promised your friend that you would sit next to her, but there is also new kid sitting alone. por Mind Map: Define the problem: You promised your friend that you would sit next to her, but there is also new kid sitting alone.

1. Explore the Alternatives: 1. You go and sit with the new kid leaving your friend alone. 2. You sit with your friend and leave the new kid . 3. You tell your friend that you are going to sit with the new kid and leave her to sit alone. 4. You take your friend to sit with new kid together. 5. You sit with neither avoiding both of them. 6. Pretend you are sick avoiding both of them.

1.1. Consider the Consequences: 1. You offend your friend by not sitting with her, however you make a new friend. 2. Nothing changes. You feel guilty because the new kid is sitting alone, and you didn't make any new friends. 3. You offend your friend, but less so since you told her ahead of time. Your friend sits alone, but you make a new friend. 4. Everybody wins!! You and your friend both get a chance to meet someone new and no one sits alone. 5. You all sit alone and your possible and already made relationships are crushed. 6. You don't have to see either of them, but you don't meet a possible friend and you ditch your friend. You also possibly miss work and get in trouble by your parents.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values: I believe that you should try to be friend with everyone as best as possible. If you don't want, or cannot be friends with someone, still be kind to them. I believe in confronting people and challenges that you face. 1. You are leaving an old friend that you have made bonds with. 2. Even though I don't ruin relationships with my old friend, I would be guilty that the new kid, who doesn't really know anyone, is alone. 3. You are still leaving your old friend and after relationship with her wont be the same. 4. BEST! Win-win situation. 5. You hurt 2 people instead of just 1 and I would be unhappy afterwords. You are also backing away from a situation that you could easily handle. 6. You hurt yourself by missing work and are turning away from another "challenge." Decide and Act: I have picked number 4 where both you and your friend sit with the new kid. 1. First you need to talk to your friend and let her know that you want to sit with her but you want to sit with a new person. 2. Together approach the new kid and sit together with her. 3. In the end we all get to know each other and even if we don't end up liking each other as best friends, at least you can say you tried. Evaluate Results: POSSIBLE RESULT EVALUATION; I think the decision worked out well. I made a new friend and in the future we all hung out with each other. This affected my friend and the new kid, because we all made friends. I learned that you can really work things out in the end if you think about how to make each person that is involved lives better. I wouldn't have picked differently because I think this choice was the best for everyone, including myself.