Your friend asks you if they can copy off of you during a test.

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Your friend asks you if they can copy off of you during a test. por Mind Map: Your friend asks you if they can copy off of you during a test.

1. I can tell him, Say no, Purposely drop my paper on the ground so he cans sneak a look, Don't respond, Blackmail him, Tell the teacher, pretend you didn't hear him.

1.1. Getting in trouble by talking, Getting in trouble because you let him copy, Letting him copy and not get in trouble, Tell the teacher, Don't do anything, He is not your friend anymore.

1.1.1. Don't show him because I don't want to get in trouble, Let him look because he is a good friend. Pretend like you didn't hear him because you don't want to get involved. Than to get involved and most likly to get in trouble. It worked well you are still friends and just say you didn't hear him and everything is good. If I don't want to talk to someone or they are rude just don't listen to them then they have nothing to be rude about. It affects the people that want to cheat or the people who are being rude because they will ignore you later on. Well its a win win in this senario because you don't get in trouble and you are still friends but you do have to "pretend" or in other words lie. If I could do it over again I could just say no but that could get you in trouble because you are talking. In the end I think just ignore them don't take the risk of getting in trouble.