Define the problem: You find a wallet with money in it in the school grounds.

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Define the problem: You find a wallet with money in it in the school grounds. por Mind Map: Define the problem: You find a wallet with money in it in the school grounds.

1. Explore the Alternatives: Take the money and leave the wallet where it is. Leave the wallet there. Bring it to the lost and found box in the school office. Take the money and put the wallet in lost and found.

1.1. Consider the Consequences One by one, think through what might happen if you were to choose each alternative on your list. Be sure to do the following: Include both positive and negative results. Consider what probably would happen, not what you hope would happen. Ask yourself … how risky is each alternative? What are its chances of success? How would it affect my future? How would it affect others? Take the money and leave the wallet where it is: You have more money but feel bad about it and someone might find out about it. You would then get in trouble. Leave the wallet where it is: The person whom the wallet belongs to might really need it but it would take up your time. Bring it to the lost and found box in the school office: The person might find it, be really happy and thank you, you might also get a reward. You wouldn't have the cash and it would take up your time. Take the money and leave the wallet in the lost and found box: You would have the cash but someone might find out and be suspicious that you found the wallet but with no cash. The riskiest thing would be taking the money but bringing the wallet to the lost and found box. It would affect you if someone found out you stole the money. It would not look good when you apply to a future school or job. You would also get disciplined. The chances of success is low. It would affect the person which the money belongs to if they really need it. The least riskiest thing would be to bring the wallet and cash to the lost and found box. The chances that the owner will get back his wallet are higher now and he'll probably get it back. You also won't get in trouble, but be praised. You might get a reward, probably not. You would feel good about yourself. Your peers along with teachers would see you in a good light and trust you more. The person which the wallet belonged to might have really needed that cash and now he'll have it.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values Personal values may affect your decisions. Make sure to do the following: Consider your long-term goals as well as the beliefs of your family and culture. Consider your own and others’ health and safety, and your self-respect. Identify those choices that are a good match for your values. Loyalty Helpful Try to be nice to people and help them. Take the wallet with cash in it to the lost and found box. It would be good for my wellness, my mental wellness knowing that I did something good and not something bad. I would respect myself more as well. That person whom the wallet belonged to might have needed it for food or medicine. Now he has his wallet back and can buy those items to further his health and safety. Taking the wallet and cash to the lost and found box would also match my value of helpfulness and trying to be nice to people. Decide and Act Use the information you have collected to compare the alternatives. Decide which one is best for you. Remember, sometimes there is more than one ‘right’ choice. Make a plan to act on your decision. You may need to break the plan into smaller steps. Set realistic deadlines for each step and then follow through with your plan. Return the wallet with the cash to the lost and found box would be the right choice. I would take that choice. Evaluate the Results Sometime after you have put your decision into effect, take some time to review it. How did your decision work out? Yes. How has it affected your life? It helped me promote my own values. How has it affected others? The dude whom the wallet belonged to now has the wallet and money which is rightfully his. What did you learn? It's the right thing to do and it's good to do that. If you could do it over again, what would you do differently? I would do nothing differently.