Demonstrative Pronouns

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Demonstrative Pronouns por Mind Map: Demonstrative Pronouns

1. Concept THIS

1.1. It is very easy to understand and remember this type of terms in English, since we do not distinguish between male and female; In telephone conversations "this" is used to pub licize who is on the phone and used singularly.

1.1.1. Example this a fruit this is a computer this is your homework

2. Concept THAT

2.1. To indicate "that / a / o". stating that the object is removed is also used to express the word "that" without an accent, is no express question

2.1.1. Example that tree is my favorite one that is green that is beautiful

3. Concept THESE

3.1. is the plural form of "this", ie used for multiple objects, in other words means "these"

3.1.1. Example these cats are cute these boys are funny these are my mother and me

4. Concept THOSE

4.1. is plural form of "that", "those"

4.1.1. Example those are britney and parís hilton those shoes are mine. those horses are running