The Very Hungry Catepillar. By: Eric Carle

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The Very Hungry Catepillar. By: Eric Carle por Mind Map: The Very Hungry Catepillar. By: Eric Carle

1. Day 5:

1.1. The caterpillar eats through 5 whole oranges.

2. Day 6:

2.1. On this day, the caterpillar devours its way through many, many different foods including; chocolate cake, ice-cream, a pickle, swiss cheese, salami, a lollipop, a cherry pie, a single sausage, a cupcake and a whole slice of watermelon.

3. Day 7:

3.1. The caterpillar eats through a single leaf.

4. Final Chapter

4.1. The caterpillar turns into a chrysalis and comes out as a beautiful butterfly. The hungry caterpillar is hungry no more, neither is it a caterpillar

5. Day 1:

5.1. The catepillar ate through one single apple.

6. Day 2:

6.1. The caterpillar eats through 2 green pears.

7. Day 3:

7.1. The caterpillar eats through 3 purple plums.

8. Day 4:

8.1. The caterpillar eats through 4 red strawberries.