Stephen Kuchik

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Stephen Kuchik por Mind Map: Stephen Kuchik

1. Problems

1.1. Suicidal People

1.2. Friends are untrusted

1.3. Problem 3

2. Friends

2.1. Ben Biege

2.2. Adrian Gutierrez

2.3. Coal Maule

2.4. Kodey Burns

3. Career Options

3.1. BodyBuilder/Gym Owner

3.2. Marine Biologist

3.3. Comedian

4. Goals

4.1. Get good grades in school

4.2. Make good friends

4.3. Make everyone happy

5. Fears

5.1. Not having people accept me

5.2. Losing my friends/family

5.3. Small Bugs

5.4. Snakes

6. Favorite places to be

6.1. Indiana Beach

6.2. Cedar Point

6.3. My Room

7. Hobbies

7.1. Video Games

7.2. Chilling w/ Friends

7.3. Walking around town

8. Close Family

8.1. Bianca Kuchik

8.1.1. Half Sister

8.2. Payton Kussart-Cygan

8.2.1. Stepbrother

8.3. Michelle Cygan

8.3.1. Stepmother

8.4. Steven Kuchik

8.4.1. Father

8.5. Veronica Kuchik

8.5.1. Half Sister

8.6. David Wilson

8.6.1. Cousin

8.7. Misty Harrison

8.7.1. Mother

8.8. Carol Harrison

8.8.1. Grandma

9. Memories

9.1. Bullied

9.1.1. Called Bad Names

9.1.2. Self-Defense from a Fight

9.2. Hugging People For Fun

9.3. Birthday Parties

9.4. Waiting for my new babysister to arrive